Introducing my adorable niece Aubrey. I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. She was born August 12th and weighed 7.1 pounds. Isn't she beautiful? We are so excited!!
My brother Richard, the proud father.
How sad that I am whiter than this baby who has never seen sunlight haha.
We went Camping with the entire family! It was so much fun. I LOVE being apart of this amazing family. We had a great time even though we had a lot of babies with us and I mean a lot haha. 5 babies and one 3 year old. It was pretty crazy. Thank heavens for the RV. It rained a little every day on us. The weather couldn't make up it's mind. We actually squeezed the picture in below between rain showers. It was a very fun week. Sorry about all the pictures, I had trouble choosing :)
Matt and Daphne My cute Warner
Kennedy and her dad Jordan.
The fam.
Grant relaxing with Hannah. What do you think of Grant's handlebar mustache? Yeah I don't like it either. He promised he would get rid of it after camping yet it is still there!
Warner and I
Warner could not stop smiling for all these pictures :)
My cute little twinners with their dad.
The twins loved Jackson. He is so funny. He made us all laugh a lot.
My smiley boy
It was so fun to see Warner and Henry together. Isn't Henry adorable? This was our first time meeting him!
We went on a short little hike and it was so pretty. Unfortunately Grant had to stay behind with the babies. Which was fair since hje left me to go fishing every day :)
Wer hiked to a waterfall. I love hiking and hearing the water get louder as you get closer and closer.
Me and my cute sister in-laws and cute Jackson.
The boys getting ready to go swimming in freezing cold water.